Success With Smithsonian

Success with Smithsonian (SWS) is an in-school professional learning experience, led by Holly Baldwin, our esteemed Instructional Coach from Smithsonian Science. Catered to the specific needs of your educational environment, Holly offers three tailored tiers of engagement:

For a smooth and effective professional learning experience, schools are required to provide a day's schedule, which must be sent to Heather Toothaker, Dr. Andrea Gomez, and Holly Baldwin at least a week in advance. Please note that the absence of a received schedule will result in the cancellation of the professional learning session. Additionally, Heather and Dr. Gomez will be available, as needed, to assist with coverage on the requested day for Tier 3 services.

*Admins and Teachers, please click on the Google Doc below to view the current open dates. Then, click on the Google Form to request a date.*

SWS Dates