Smithsonian STCMS

The Smithsonian's STCMS (Smithsonian Science for the Classroom) curriculum, provided by Carolina Biological Supply, is a comprehensive program designed for middle school education. This curriculum sets a standard in 3D learning and assessment, encompassing a wide range of science topics. 

The program offers a complete educational package for middle school, featuring coherent storylines, proven results, and substantial teacher support. It is not limited to traditional subjects but also explores areas such as Newtonian physics (through investigations of objects that roll, fall, and collide) and biology (focusing on reproduction and heredity). This approach aims to prepare students to become the next generation of scientifically literate citizens.

Teachers can use District Google Classrooms to access the middle school curriculum, Carolina Science resources, and collaborate with colleagues. The Google Classrooms are broken into 3 different grade levels below:

Additional Resources